Piedmont Italy

images (1) download (3)Piedmont has many attractions. Starting with the National Cinema Museum. It holds a wide collection of china photography equipment dating from before picture film to cutting edge modern models. This museum also holds a huge 300,000+ collection of film, posters, and books. This museum also hosts some of the most well known film festivals such as the Torino Film Festival.1

Next is the Basilica de Superga. Dating back to 1717, it is a castle built for Victor Amadeus II of Savoy. It holds dozens of tombs from the Savoy heirloom. The church is styled Baroque Classicism and resembles parts of Michelangelo’s dome work of St Peters Basilica. It is a piece of art that has survived decades and represents historic culture of Italy.

Next is The Giardini Botanici Villa Taranto. It is an 8km wide botanical garden originally built for the Duke of Taranto. It holds over 20,000 plant varieties, more than 300 species, and over 7km of pathway for the public to use.

Last, the Royal Palace of Turin (Piedmont) was built for the royal Savoy family back in the 16th century. The palace includes the Palazzo Chiablese and the Chapel of the Holy Shroud. In 1946, the building became the property of the state and was turned into a museum, and in 1997, it was placed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list

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